Forum Medtech Pharma e.V.

Gewerbemuseumsplatz 2
90403 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 911 20671-330
Fax: +49 911 20671-788


Company Contacts
Department/ Name Address

Geschäftsführer/ Dr. Thomas Feigl (+49-911)20671-330

Messen/Dr. Matthias Schier (+49-911)20671-335
Company Figures
Number of employees 1-19
Year of foundation 1998

Language: German Language: English Company Profile

About us
Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. is a non-profit registered society forming a unique platform for business contacts and knowledge exchange. We successfully facilitate innovation and co-operation in the medical sector outside commonly estalished value chains.

The 570 members of the Forum MedTech Pharma include companies, research institutes, clinics, health insurances, regional authorities as well as other actors in the field – from 14 nations out of Europe, America and Asia.

Our thematic working groups cover an extensive agenda on the latest trends in medical technology and pharma: biomaterials, diagnostics, clinical trials, minimal invasive medicine, health telematics and health care system.

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Foshan Nanhai Xinhuafeng Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.
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