Estrada Nacional 311, Carreira da Lebre, n° 54
5460-125 Beca, Boticas
Phone: +351 276 418180
Fax: +351 276 418182
Company Profile
about Sterifast
“STERIFAST” is a registered mark that has been created to give name to the
newest low temperature sterilizer and the all range of consumables used in
the Sterifast sterilization process.
Either the sterilizer and the sterilization process using hydrogen peroxide are protected by the Patent N.º PCT/PT2007/000029
Sterifast is the new low temperature sterilizer studied and prepared to sterilize medical devices in general and thermo-sensitive medical devices. Sterifast sterilization process is based on the hydrogen peroxide vapor injection in a sterilization chamber at a controlled temperature.
This equipment has two doors allowing the sanitary barrier, and includes a high vacuum system.
The automation system is composed of a computer with a touch screen and a PLC with analogical and digital outputs.
Thanks to the vaporizer used in the Sterifast, it is possible to sterilize medical devices with hydrogen peroxide vapor (H2O2) as the sterilizing agent.
One of the characteristics of the Sterifast is to enable fast sterilization cycles and a system that allows the dosing into the vaporizer in a complete absence of air.
The sterilization chamber is filled with hydrogen peroxide after the relative humidity inside the chamber has been reduced. The sterilization occurs inside the Sterifast chamber by means of hydrogen peroxide saturation.
The vaporization drop device has advantages in comparison to the traditional devices, like the precision obtained with the sterilant agent dripping, by using a capillary tube inside the vaporizer, and the doses’ variability applied through a computer control system which permanently monitories the device functioning through several pressure and temperature probes.
Regarding the injection, the sterilizer has a capillary tube inside the vaporizer, which transforms the liquid into pulverized gas;
The sterilization process occurs after reaching 1 mbar pressure in the vaporizer and the whole process occurs in vacuum;
The vaporizer is physically open to the chamber and there is no valve between the vaporizer and the chamber. The vaporizer is part of this same chamber;
The control system is based on the chamber pressure.