Wilhelm-Stähle-Str. 13
70736 Fellbach
Postfach 42 08
70719 Fellbach
Phone: +49 711 510994-60
Fax: +49 711 510994-85
Company History
R+E Automationstechnik GmbH was started in 1995 with the courage to break new ground.
Even at that time, R+E could look back at an accumulated expertise of over 20 years based
on knowledge of the feed and assembly technology inherited from EC-Montageautomaten.
Since then R+E has earned an international reputation for the design and manufacture of
special-purpose machines, assembly machines and powerful feed systems.
In 2007 the company moved its head offices from Kernen to Fellbach-Schmiden near Stuttgart.
The company now has a production hall area of 2700 m² for its special-purpose
machines and feed technology products.