Bildstocker Str. 12
66538 Neunkirchen
Phone: +49 6821 91277-0
Fax: +49 6821 91277-99
Company Contacts
Department/ Name Address
Export Jutta Zimmermann, ROPIMEX R.OPEL GmbH, Bildstocker Straße 12, D-66538 Neunkirchen, Tel.: ++49 6821 91277-30
Verkauf Inland Rolf Zimmermann, ROPIMEX R.OPEL GmbH, Bildstocker Straße 12, 66538 Neunkirchen, Tel.: ++49 6821 91277-0
Company Figures
Export content max. 75%
Area of business Facility Management
Services and Publications
Language: German Language: English Company Profile
Universal sreen system
Since 1976 ropimex has been looking for solutions
in order to protect the privacy of sick persons and
persons in need of care. The telescopic arms of the
first hour are still being used today. From these
beginnings, a system was developed which,with its
variety, range of application and combination options,
offers a suitable solutions for each customer.
ropimex-curtains made of Trevira CS pass all international
fire tests and are tested and certified throughout Europe
in accordance with the specifications of Öko-TEX Standard 100.
ropimex products are lightweight but still very sturdy.
Handling, care and desinfection without any problems.