ul. Konstruktorska 8
02-673 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 8432761
Fax: +48 22 8432881
Company Contacts
Department/ Name Address
Bogdan Dabrowski Tel: (+22) 843 27 61, Fax: (+22) 843 28 81
Company Profile
60 years with SMS
The main domain of SMS business is the manufacture of steam sterilizers. Additionally, our business involves complex solutions and deliveries of disinfecting and sterilizing equipment with indispensable accessories, such as process furniture, water conditioning systems, steam generators, heat sealers for sterilization packages, and consumables used for sterilization.
The SMS-branded equipment meets all requirements of the valid Polish and European regulations.
Our activity is aimed at strengthening our position in the domestic market, in the sector of supplies of washing, disinfecting and sterilizing equipment, and introducing our products in the foreign markets.
We wish to sell modern equipment, the quality of which will be appreciated by all Customers.
Spółdzielnia Mechaników SMS specialises in manufacturing steam sterilizers intended for health care sector, laboratories and industry. The equipment, after being designed by our constructors,
is implemented and manufactured in our production plant. High complexity of the equipment makes us the only manufacturer of steam sterilizers in Poland.
Aside from autoclaves, we manufacture steam generators, ultrasonic irrigators with two wash chambers, clean steam generators, stainless steel medical furniture and other accessories for sterilizing departments.
As a supplement to our offer, we act as an agent or a representative selling washing and disinfecting equipment, water conditioning equipment, medical furniture, accessories, dishes used for patient care and consumables (detergents).
The range of products offered is distributed through our nationwide network of dealers.
Our company serves mainly public health care units, as well as research institutes, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry laboratories and private health care sector.