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United Kingdom
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Company Profile
Twistdx Limited Babraham Research Campus
TwistDx has developed a new, breakthrough DNA amplification technology that offers the highest possible ‘gold standard’ levels of specificity and sensitivity of current DNA diagnostics while adding extraordinary speed and portability that are not available from current DNA diagnostics. TwistDx’s DNA amplification technology has the potential to expand the ultimate use and benefit of DNA diagnostics to point of care and field settings, including surgery rooms, agriculture and veterinary testing and developing world applications.
TwistDx’s technology, called RPA (recombinase polymerase amplification), has been shown to be effective using material generated with very simple sample preparation techniques from a number of biological sources and requires only an inexpensive, battery-operated device, operating at constant body temperature and the process is robust to temperature fluctuations. The technology can be combined with simple user-friendly assays in portable devices and is capable of amplifying from single DNA molecule to detectable levels within 15 minutes without thermal melting steps or any involved setup procedures. Tests can also function at ambient temperatures at reduced rates. RNA targets are also readily detected.